Apostle Nato and Prophetess Renae Tunu
Apostle Nato and Prophetess Renae Tunu are the dynamic pastoral team leading RIG Virginia under the leadership of Apostle Tomi Arayomi of RIG Nation. With over 55 years of combined ministry experience, they share a passion for restoring the apostolic and prophetic voices to the Body of Christ. Married for 24 years, they exemplify a Christ-centered partnership in both ministry and family, raising four children while transforming lives through their faith and dedication.
Saved at the age of 25, Apostle Nato's life is a testimony to God’s transformative power. His journey combines practical wisdom with a daily surrender to the will of God, alongside a deep passion for building strong families and communities. He firmly believes that church begins at home and exemplifies this principle in his leadership.
Prophetess Renae, who received her prophetic calling at 19, is a graduate of the International Coalition of Prophets under the Global Prophetic Alliance. She is also a graduate of Liberty University with a Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration. Prophetess Renae is devoted to equipping and training the Body of Christ to fulfill their God-given purpose.
As co-head pastor of RIG Virginia, Prophetess Renae brings prophetic insight and Kingdom vision to their shared ministry, leaving a lasting impact through her dedication and leadership. Together, Apostle Nato and Prophetess Renae lead RIG Virginia in fulfilling its mission to “Believe, Belong, and Build,” empowering believers to live boldly for Christ while advancing the Kingdom of God.
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